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Drivers serving bans

Car Setup Rules:


Rules for racing:

Contact is not allowed, this is deliberate contact, no bumping to try and force a racer wide, no spinning/pit manuvers, no ramming.

If a pace car is deployed you MUST drive behind it in a single line formation UNLESS told otherwise, if a reline is in order, the race will restart, with the laps left becoming the total laps.

You get 2 black crosses before a black flag, if you get a black flag you'll be out of the race with possibility or further action, need be a ban from up to 5 races, being thrown out of the season, or docking of points.

Rejoining track: If you spin off or crash to the point you need to rejoin track wait until it is SAFE, so no cars coming who can pose a danger to you or the other races.

Damage rules: if your car becomes too badly damaged the race marshall CAN either bring you off for a pitstop, or disqualify you.

© 2016 by Impact Blue

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